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    Amberdigital Branch,Southern Stars Enterprises Co is specializing in the development and manufacturing of advertising displays, advertising player and LCD displays. Established in 1996, we have explored and developed the international market with professionalism. We have built a widespread marketing network, and set up a capable management team dedicated to provide beyond-expectation services to our customers.

    amberdigital Contact Us
    Southern Stars Enterprises Co (Hong Kong Office)
    Add:3 Fl, No.2, Lane 2, Kam Tsin Tsuen, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong
    Tel:+852 2681 4099
    Fax:+852 2681 4586
    Southern Stars Enterprises Co (Shenzhen Office)
    Add:DE, 16/F, Building 2, Nanguo Tower, Sungang Road, Shenzhen, China
    Tel:+86 755 2592 9100
    Fax:+86 755 2592 7171
